The Council employs a clerk who is responsible to the Council as a whole, is the line manager for all staff members and has the task of being Chief Executive, Secretary and Responsible Financial Officer.

Our Clerk is Teresa Strange.
The Clerk's role is to:
Organise Council meetings and take minutes
Keep the Council as fully informed as possible on local matters
Manage the Council accounts and attend Audit
Ensure the Council acts legally
Deal with public enquiries
Research material for Council projects and meetings
Carry out the wishes of the Council as efficiently as possible
Take responsibility for Council staff
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Marianne Rossi was the parish council's Apprentice Parish Officer, but on completion of a NVQ level 2 in Business & Administration, is now employed by the Council as the Finance & Amenities Officer. You can contact Marianne to book the facilities at Bowerhill Sports Field & Pavilion and to find out more about the allotments.

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The Parish Council has a Parish Caretaker, Terry Cole. Terry is a qualified RoSPA Play Area Inspector and regulary inspects the parish council's play areas, and other assets.

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The Parish Council have an Allotment Warden, David Cole who regularly inspects the Council's two allotment sites in Berryfield (Berryfield & Briansfield).
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