Melksham Without Parish Council
Melksham Without Parish Council
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Briansfield Allotments 

Photo of Briansfield Allotments

We currently have NO Allotment Vacancies on Briansfield

Please contact the office on 01225 705700 or email Marianne at: for more information. 

The rental charge for this allotment year (01.10.24 - 30.09.25) is £40 for a 5 perch plotNon- residents are welcome to apply but will be charged double the resident's rate, therefore £80 for a 5 perch plot.

The list of Allotment letting priority is as follows:

1. Residents of the parish- 1st plot
 2. Residents of the parish- 2nd plot
       3. Non-Residents of the parish-1st plot
        4. Non-Residents of the parish-2nd plot
To download a copy of the Briansfield Allotment Tenancy Agreement please follow the link below (Adobe Acrobat PDF)
 Briansfield Allotment tenancy agreement 
 To download a copy of our Privacy Notice please follow the link below
 Privacy Notice 
To download a copy of our General Data Protection Consent Form for Allotment Tenants  
General Data Protection Consent Form
Rules around Ponds at the Allotments 

Briansfield Allotment Plot layout



The Briansfield allotments at Berryfields were officially opened on Tuesday the 6th of September 2011.