Information on how to contact your councillor can be found on the Councillors and Representatives page. Their email addresses are provided, but if you wish to ring or write a letter to your councillor please contact the office on 01225 705700 or email: ....More
OUT OF HOURS PHONE NUMBER For urgent matters please ring the out of hours mobile 07341 474234 (please ring, not text, as diverted to a staff member)....More
Grant Aid 2025/26
Grant Awards
Does your group/organisation benefit residents of Melksham Without? If so, you can apply for grant funding for 2024/25. The closing date for applications is 31st January 2025, with awards to be made at the Annual Parish ....More
How to access recordings of meetings on YouTube:
All parish council meetings are recorded and published on YouTube following the meeting. You can access the parish councils YouTube channel by following the link Melksham Without Parish Councils YouTube ....More
Want to find out where Car Electric Charging points are locally - and when you travel - have a look at this useful map
Chairman's Allowance In accordance with the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 a parish or town council, in establishing a members allowances scheme, has to have regard to the recommendations of the Parish Remuneration ....More
How to find out the latest road closures in the parish
Road Closures in the parish
To find the latest road closure in the parish please follow the link below to one network where they can be found.
Formal 'making' of theJoint MelkshamNeighbourhood Plan 2020 - 2026
Following an independent examination and a positive referendum result, Wiltshire Council have decided to formally 'make' the Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2026. TheJoint Melksham ....More
For details of the parish council's privacy notice and Data Protection policies please see the section "Council Policies" under "Your Council" from the main menu.
The information you provide (personal information such as name, address, email address, phone number, organisation) will be processed and stored to enable us to contact you and respond to your correspondence, provide information and/or access our facilities ....More
The Parish Council welcomes the opportunity to hold meetings with developers at early pre-application stage in order to discuss the needs and requirements of the community and how any potential future development could meet or address these. Please click ....More
Want to keep in touch?
Follow us on facebook Melksham Without Parish Council or Teresa Strange (Clerk) for additional community news, on twitter @melkshamwithout and melkshamwithoutpc on instagram.
The news page we hope will keep you up to date on what is happening with the Council. We also wish to hear your views and thoughts on our activities and any ideas that you may have to improve life within our community.
Please respond to any information on this page by clicking here and putting your views on the comments form.